All Registrations


Code Program Age Description Note Day Time Start Date End Date Weeks Avail Spots Member Price Non-Member Price Status


  • Adult Beginner & Intermediate Clinic

    Age: Start at 18

  • Description: Maple St. Park
  • Note: The Adult Beginner & Intermediate clinic is focused on learning the fundamentals of tennis such as scoring, strategy, court positioning and game-based drills. (no clinic 7/1)
  • Day and Time : Mon 5:00-6:30 pm
  • Date : Jun. 10 to Jul. 22
  • Weeks: 6
  • Avail Spots: 0
  • Prices
    Member Price : $150.00,
    Non-Member Price:

Adult Beginner & Intermediate Clinic

Start at 18

Maple St. Park

The Adult Beginner & Intermediate clinic is focused on learning the fundamentals of tennis such as scoring, strategy, court positioning and game-based drills. (no clinic 7/1)


5:00-6:30 pm

Jun. 10

Jul. 22





  • Adult Intermediate & Advanced Clinic

    Age: Start at 18

  • Description: Maple St. Park
  • Note: The Adult Intermediate & Advanced clinic is medium-high intensity and fast paced with live ball doubles drills. (no clinic 7/3)
  • Day and Time : Wed 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Date : Jun. 12 to Jul. 24
  • Weeks: 6
  • Avail Spots: 0
  • Prices
    Member Price : $150.00,
    Non-Member Price:

Adult Intermediate & Advanced Clinic

Start at 18

Maple St. Park

The Adult Intermediate & Advanced clinic is medium-high intensity and fast paced with live ball doubles drills. (no clinic 7/3)


6:30-8:00 pm

Jun. 12

Jul. 24


